Thanks for visiting my website. For a while, I have needed a website to post specific schedules and web pages for different diversions in my life, so I created this internet outpost. Now that I am retired, it seems all of my life is a diversion, and I couldn't be happier. Therefore, this website will continually be updated to include the old and new diversions in my life, as well as a blog that fulfills my need to write.

Yes, I stole my website tagline from the name of a George Carlin album. Mr Carlin was my first "favorite" comedian, and I feel he was a true comic genius. He did get a little bitter in the end but I still felt he had one of the greatest minds in comedy.

It will take a while for me to add each section I want, so please be patient. Of course, since I'm retired now, I have more time to commit to this project than I've ever had. Eventually, I will include comment sections for the different areas of the website so that you might provide comments and feedback to make this website interactive. I hope you will return periodically to see what I've added.